Your Natural Narrative
When is the last time you were asked to explain the reason you returned to your natural roots?
For me it’s at least once a week. While it can be annoying at times I also find that it helps remind me of my “why” and to see if anything has changed. When I’m working with my clients for the first time I pose this very question.
Doing so allows me to explore the clients mindset regarding their “why” review the narrative and discuss expectations and outcomes.
If you’ve been caring for your hair for over a year I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on what lead you down this path. So your natural narrative focuses on an account of your connected events. What’s the story and are you happy with the decision? Has the narrative changed since you started and if so why? I’ve been wearing my natural hair now for 11 years and can say my natural narrative has remained unchanged,
to have fun growing and styling healthy hydrated hair.
What Is Your Natural Hair Narrative?
Dream it.
Based on the challenges with your hair, what does it mean to be natural?
Create it.
What would you like being natural to mean for you?
Be it.
If you didn’t have hair challenges, how would you like to show up in the world with your hair?