Natural Hair Care Abroad

Wherever you are in the world, a hair care plan can make all the difference.

Hey curlfriends!

Did that title have you scratching your head?

Yep you read that title correctly and I clearly have some tea to spill. A lot has happened since we last chatted so let me bring you up to date.

In January 2023 I left the country and moved to Portugal! Yes, I left the US and am now an expat. It’s pretty cool to say, shoot me an email if you want to know more. So with a new country comes potential hair challenges like will I have access to my favorite products and how my hair will react to the new region. The crazy thing is I hadn’t really given much thought as to what my regimen would look like before the big move, and didn’t do any research until after I arrived. My research really wasn’t all that extensive because my hair routine is solid so I was only concerned about a couple essential elements.


Climate & WATER…

quality are highly important when considering how I select my products, and style my hair. Logic over emotion! Understanding the climate was crucial because Portugal’s climate is humid and that meant I needed to find a good quality anti-humectant.

And the water quality, ya know I don’t play about the quality of my water so I think it goes without saying that my Vita Clean shower filter is a must have regardless of what continent I’m on!

The only changes since the move has been upgrading my hair products,  cleansing my hair every 7 days, and wearing it out more often. 

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